
5350 Partners Court Suite C Frederick, MD 21703

P101:Protein Identification Of Gel Bands Or Gel Spots

Identification of Proteins (Up to 2,000 Proteins) From a Single Gel Band or Gel Spot

Price: $250 per sample

Turnaround Time:5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification of proteins from protein gel bands or gel spots
  • Up to 2,000 proteins identified from one gel band
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, in-gel enzymatic digestion, peptide extraction, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Identification Report
  • List of identified proteins
  • List of identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

Gel band or spot, no larger than 3mm (l) x 3.5mm (h) x 1.5mm (w) in size (Note: additional charge applied for larger size)

P102: Protein Identification Of Mixture Samples

Identification of Proteins (Up to 4,000 Proteins) From Any Biological Sample

Price: $450 per sample

Turnaround Time: 5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification of proteins from mixture samples including cell lysates, tissue lysates, IP, pull-down, or other types of protein mixtures
  • Up to 4,000 proteins identified from one sample
  • Target protein detection limit is at ng level
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, In-gel enzymatic digestion, peptide extraction, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Identification Report
  • List of identified proteins
  • List of identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Comparisons between and among samples using PSM# and MS1 peak area label-free based quantification method
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein, in solution or dried
  • Purified protein complex
  • Protein mixture from pull-down, immunoprecipitation (IP), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), or other approaches (> 1 μg is required; > 5 μg is recommended)
  • Fresh frozen cell/tissue lysate, body fluids, or cell culture medium

Sample Preparation Guidelines

protein identification

PROMICFINDER Platform for Protein Identification and Quantification

The combination of high-performance liquid chromatography and high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has emerged as a powerful and universal method for the global measurement of proteins. Unlike traditional western-blot or ELISA methods, MS-based technology can identify and quantify protein mixtures simultaneously on a large scale. For interested proteins without an available antibody, MS-based protein identification is the fastest and most reliable approach.


PROMICFINDER, developed at Poochon, is a mass spectrometry-based protein analysis technology capable of identifying and measuring rapidly (high throughput), broadly (thousands of proteins simultaneously), and deeply (high and low-abundance proteins).

The PROMICFINDER Platform is a highly sensitive, quantitative, and reproducible proteomic tool for the profiling of proteins (up to 3,000 different proteins) from a single gel band sample, IP sample, or un-fractioned cell/tissue lysate sample, by a 110 min LC-MS/MS run.

Standardized SOPs for sample preparation and LC-MS/MS analysis ensure the quality and reproducibility of the data. Results are reported in a standardized format ready for generating publishable data.

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P201: Tandem Mass Tag Labeling Quantitative Proteome Profiling

Quantitative Comparison of the Proteome (Up to 9,000 Proteins) Of 6-18 Samples in One Set of Analysis Using Isobaric Mass Tags

Price: $1200 per sample

Turnaround Time: 15 to 20 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification and quantification of the proteome expressed by a cell, tissue, or organism for up to 18 samples in one simultaneous analysis using Isobaric Mass Tags
  • Up to 9,000 proteins identified at 1% FDR
  • Profile evaluated for integrity and variability using PROMICPATH
  • Workflow: Protein lysate preparation, enzymatic digestion, TMT labeling, UHPLC fractionation, LC-MS/MS analysis, TMT quantitation, data analysis, and results report


  • Proteome Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with TMT labeling based relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • List of proteins that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Fresh frozen cell pellet (≥ 2 million cells per sample recommended for optimal results)
  • Fresh frozen tissue (≥ 100 mg recommended for optimal results)
  • Total cell or tissue lysate (≥ 200 μg of total protein recommended for optimal results)

P202: Label-Free Quantitative Proteome Profiling

Proteome Profiling (Up to 9,000 Proteins per Sample) From Tissue or Cell Line Samples Using Label-Free Quantitation Method

Price: $3000 per sample

Turnaround Time: 15 to 20 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification and quantification of the entire set of proteins (the proteome) expressed by a cell, tissue or organism
  • Up to 9,000 proteins identified at 1% FDR from one sample
  • The profile is evaluated for integrity and variability using PROMICPATH
  • Workflow: Protein lysate preparation, enzymatic digestion, UHPLC fractionation (12 fractions), or SDS-PAGE gel fractionation, twelve LC-MS/MS 110 minute runs, data analysis, and results report


  • Proteome Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with label-free PSM# based relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • List of proteins that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Fresh frozen cell pellet (≥ 5 million cells per sample recommended for optimal results)
  • Fresh frozen tissue (≥ 100 mg recommended for optimal results)
  • Total cell or tissue lysate (≥ 200 μg of total protein recommended for optimal results)

P203: Comprehensive Label-Free Quantitative Proteome Profiling

Proteome Profiling (Up to 12,000 Proteins per Sample) From Tissue or Cell Line Samples Using the Label-Free Quantitation Method

Price: $4300 per sample

Turnaround Time: 15 to 20 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification and quantification of the entire set of proteins (the proteome) expressed by a cell, tissue or organism
  • Up to 12,000 proteins identified at 1% FDR from one sample
  • Proteome profile is evaluated for integrity and variability using PROMICPATH
  • Workflow: Protein lysate preparation, enzymatic digestion, UHPLC fractionation (24 fractions), twenty-four LC-MS/MS 110 minute runs, data analysis, and results report


  • Proteome Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with label-free PSM# based relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • List of proteins that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Fresh frozen cell pellet (≥ 10 million cells per sample recommended for optimal results)
  • Fresh frozen tissue (≥ 100 mg recommended for optimal results)
  • Total cell or tissue lysate (≥ 500 μg of total protein recommended for optimal results)

Sample Preparation Guidelines

quantitative proteomics

PROMICMAPPER Platform for Quantitative Proteome Profiling

Mass spectrometry is the most powerful tool for proteomics to assess the relative abundance of proteins among biological samples. Numerous methodologies now support relative quantification measurements, providing a routine means to analyze protein expression patterns and post-translational modification states as a function of biological perturbation. Available options include label-free quantification, SILAC (stable isotope labeling by amino acids in cell culture) based quantification, and TMT (tandem mass tag) isobaric multiplex (up to 18plex) labeling quantification.


Poochon developed a standardized platform, PROMICMAPPER, for measuring changes in global protein expression in biological systems upon perturbations using isobaric mass tags and liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The PROMICMAPPER platform allows for the quantitative protein profiling of up to 9,000 proteins, or deep quantitative protein profiling of up to 12,000 proteins for a single project.

Additionally, the data generated by PROMICMAPPER can be analyzed using Poochon’s data and pathway analysis tool, PROMICPATH, which uses ten groups of housekeeping protein complexes to evaluate the completeness and variability of a proteome profile. The evaluation ensures the integrity, reliability, and reproducibility of a large set of protein profile data generated by PROMICMAPPER.

PROMICMAPPER is the most cost-efficient approach for identification of differential expression of proteins for elucidating the molecular mechanisms of perturbations and discovery of biomarkers.

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P301: PTM Identification

Identification of Post-Translational Modifications

Price: $600 per sample

Turnaround Time: 10 to 15 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification of PTMs (S/T/Y phosphorylation, R/K methylation, K/H acetylation, and K ubiquitination sites) for a target protein from purified protein samples or partially purified protein mixture samples
  • For identification of specific PTMs, please contact us for a quote
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, enzymatic digestion, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • PTM Identification Report
  • List of identified proteins
  • All identified peptides sequences with possible PTMs for target protein(s)
  • The target protein’s PTMs spectra
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein, in solution or dried
  • Purified protein complex
  • Protein mixture from pull-down, immunoprecipitation (IP), co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), or other approaches
  • At least 0.5 µg of target protein required

P302: Phosphoprotein Profiling

Profiling of S/T/Y Phosphorylation Sites Using a Phosphopeptides Enrichment Approach and Label-Free Quantification Method for Comparison Among Different Samples

Price: $2000 per sample

Turnaround Time: 15 to 20 business days

Service Description:

  • Profiling of S/T/Y phosphorylation sites at global level from treated cell pellets (> 2×107 cell/sample), fresh frozen tissues (> 500 mg/sample), or fresh frozen total cell or tissue lysates (200 µl at 5 mg/ml)
  • For profiling of specific PTMs, please contact us for a quote
  • Can be tailored for quantitative profiling and comparison between two samples, or between one control and several different treatments
  • Up to 1,000 phosphorylation sites identified
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, enzymatic digestion, phosphopeptides enrichment using TiO2 beads, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • PTM Identification Report
  • List of identified proteins
  • All identified peptides sequences with phosphorylation sites
  • Label-free quantification
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Fresh frozen cell pellet (≥ 20 million cells per sample recommended for optimal results)
  • Fresh frozen tissue (≥ 500 mg recommended for optimal results)
  • Total cell or tissue lysate (≥ 500 μg of total protein recommended for optimal results)

P303: Tandem Mass Tag Labeling Quantitative Phosphoprotein Profiling

Quantitative Comparison of the Phosphoproteomes of 6-18 Samples in One Set of Analysis Using Thermo Scientific TMTpro™ 18-Plex Label Reagent Set and Phosphopeptides Enrichment Kit

Price: $1200 per sample

Turnaround Time: 20 to 25 business days

Service Description:

  • Quantitative profiling of phosphoproteins at global level for up to 18 samples in one set of analysis using Thermo Scientific TMTpro™ 18-Plex Label Reagent Set and Phosphopeptides Enrichment Kit
  • Recommended for analysis of samples in triplicates
  • Up to 1,000 phosphorylation sites identified at 1% FDR
  • Pathway analysis of identified differential phosphoproteins using PROMICPATH
  • Workflow: Protein lysate preparation, enzymatic digestion, TMT-labeling, UHPLC fractionation, TiO2 Phosphopeptides enrichment, LC-MS/MS analysis, TMT quantitation, data analysis, and results report


  • Proteome Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with TMT labeling based relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with possible phosphorylation sites and matched peptides sequences
  • List of proteins with phosphorylation that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Fresh frozen cell pellet (≥ 10 million cells per sample recommended for optimal results)
  • Fresh frozen tissue (≥ 500 mg recommended for optimal results)
  • Total cell or tissue lysate (≥ 500 μg of total protein per sample is recommended for optimal results)

Sample Preparation Guidelines

ptm analysis

Post-Translational Modifications Analysis

Proteins are subjected to a wide variety of covalent modifications after translation. Many of these post-translational modifications (PTMs) are critical to the protein’s function. The common PTMs include Phosphorylation, Ubiquitination, Methylation, Acetylation and Glycosylation. We have accumulated experiences to develop reliable workflows using available tools and technologies for identifications of PTMs.

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P401: Protein Molecular Mass Measurement

Intact Protein Molecular Mass Measurement of Purified Protein Samples Using Intact Protein Mass Spectrometry Analysis Technology

Price: $450 per sample

Turnaround Time: 5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Molecular weight determination of purified protein samples with an expected molecular mass less than 160 kDa, a mass accuracy < 20 ppm, and a mass range from 40 to 8,000 m/z
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, intact protein mode LC-MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Analysis Report
  • Full MS spectra of intact protein peak from Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
  • Deconvoluted spectrum range from 10 kDa to 160 kDa showing the purity and molecular weight
  • Data figures
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein sample, in solution or dried (≥ 20 µg per sample recommended for optimal results, purity > 90%)

Sample Preparation Guidelines

quantitative proteomics

Protein Molecular Mass Measurement

Intact protein analysis provides information on the accurate mass of the protein and the relative abundance of its isoforms and modifications. It is an invaluable approach for the analysis of biologics throughout manufacturing to assess purity and heterogeneity characteristics for lot release purposes.

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Poochon’s intact protein analysis services are designed for intact protein mass measurement to confirm the sequence of a purified protein and the relative abundance of its isoforms, for example a modification with different glycans. Intact protein characterization is performed on samples in solution using a combination of liquid chromatography (LC) and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Purified proteins of molecular weight up to 160 kDa at a minimum amount of 1 µg can be analyzed successfully.

Examples using Intact Protein Analysis:

  • Analysis of glycan forms and molecular weight of mAbs
  • Analysis of molecular weight of light and heavy chains of mAbs
  • Analysis of drug-to-antibody ratio of antibody-drug conjugates

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P501: Peptide Mapping

Protein Sequence Confirmation of a Test Protein Product Compared to a Reference Standard

Price: $1600 per sample

Turnaround Time: 5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Protein sequence confirmation and determination of post-translational modifications (PTMs) and sequence variants by comparison to a reference standard or predicted sequence (e.g., used when comparing biosimilars with versions of original “innovator” products)
  • Can be used for proof of identity, primary structural characterization, quality assurance (QA), and characterization of a new reference standard
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, protease(s) selection, enzymatic digestion, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein analysis report
  • Peptide mapping results (alignment of digested peptides to predicted sequence)
  • List of peptides detected
  • Chromatograms of enzymatic digests of sample and comparison with reference standard if any
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein sample, in solution or dried (≥ 20 µg per sample recommended for optimal results; purity > 99%)

Sample Preparation Guidelines

peptide mapping

Protein Identification by Peptide Mapping

Peptide mapping, an identity test for proteins, is an essential analytical method for elucidating the primary amino acid structure of proteins. For recombinant protein pharmaceuticals, such as monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs), peptide mapping is used for proof of identity, primary structural characterization, and quality assurance (QA). Regulatory agencies issued ICH Q6B guidance which specifies the use of peptide mapping as a critical quality test procedure for drug characterization used to confirm desired product structure for lot release purposes. Peptide mapping involves enzymatic treatment of a protein, resulting in the formation of peptide fragments, followed by separation and identification of the resultant fragments by LC-MS/MS in a reproducible manner. It can identify single amino acid changes resulting from events such as errors in the reading of complementary DNA (cDNA) sequences or point mutations.

Poochon developed a standardized platform for peptide mapping of purified proteins using protease digestion and liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

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P601: Evaluation Of Identity And Purity

Evaluation of Purified or Partially Purified Protein Samples Including Therapeutics Products at the Early Stage of Development

Price: $600 per sample

Turnaround Time: 5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification by enzymatic digestion followed by LC-MS/MS analysis
  • All detectable proteins (even at ng level) including any host proteins are identified and their relative abundance determined
  • Purity is estimated based on the relative abundance of identified proteins
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, enzymatic digestion, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Analysis Report
  • List of identified proteins (target and host proteins)
  • List of identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Purity
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein samples, in solution or dried (> 5 µg/sample)

P602: Full Amino Acid Sequence Confirmation

Confirmation of Full Amino Acid Sequence (>95% Sequence Coverage) of Any Purified Protein Sample With a Known Target Protein Amino Acid Sequence

Price: $1,200 per sample (for de novo sequencing, please contact us for a quote)

Turnaround Time: 10 to 15 business days

Service Description:

  • Confirmation of full amino acid sequence (> 95% sequence coverage) of purified protein samples (purity > 80%)
  • Additional charge applies for mAbs, as both heavy chain and light chain sequences are confirmed
  • All detectable proteins (even at ng level) including any host proteins are identified and their relative abundance determined
  • Purity is estimated based on the relative abundance of identified proteins
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, enzymatic digestion, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Analysis Report
  • List of peptides identified for target protein and peptide mapping
  • List of identified host proteins, if any
  • List of identified host proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Purity
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein samples, in solution or dried (> 20 µg/sample; purity > 80% )

P603: Identification Of N-Linked Glycosylation Sites

Identification of N-Linked Glycosylation Sites From Purified Protein Samples

Price: $1800 per sample (for O-linked glycosylation, please contact us for a quote)

Turnaround Time: 10 to 15 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification of N-linked glycosylation sites and confirmation of full amino acid sequence (> 95% sequence coverage) of purified protein samples (e.g., mAb (purity > 95%) using deglycosylation treatment and LC-MS/MS
  • Quantification of glycosylation is determined using label-free quantitation method
  • All detectable proteins (even at ng level) including any host proteins are identified and their relative abundance determined
  • Purity is estimated based on the relative abundance of identified proteins
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, deglycosylation treatment, enzymatic digestion, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Analysis Report
  • N-linked glycosylation sites
  • List of Peptides identified for target protein and peptide mapping
  • List of identified host proteins, if any
  • List of identified host proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Purity
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein samples, in solution or dried (> 20 µg/sample; purity > 99%)
  • If the purity is less than 90%, please contact us for a quote

P604: Profile Of N-Linked Glycans For Monoclonal Antibodies

Characterization of the Profile of N-Linked Glycans Released From Purified mAb Samples Using Rapifluor-Ms™ N-Glycan Kit and LC-MS/MS

Price: $5000 per sample

Turnaround Time: 20 to 35 business days

Service Description:

  • Profiling of N-linked glycans released from pure mAbs (note: If multiple N-linked glycosylation sites are identified, the N-linked glycans profiling analysis will not be performed)
  • Relative abundance of glycans is determined based on label-free quantitation method (Ion intensity/peak area)
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, deglycosylation treatment, enzymatic digestion, N-linked glycans labeling, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Analysis Report
  • N-linked glycans profile
  • N-linked glycosylation sites
  • List of peptides identified for target protein and peptide mapping
  • List of identified host proteins, if any
  • List of identified host proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • Purity
  • Raw data files, upon request

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Purified protein samples, in solution or dried (> 50 µg/sample; purity > 99% )

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Therapeutics Characterization

High-Resolution Characterization of Therapeutic Proteins

Poochon developed a robust approach using a range of state-of- the-art orthogonal methodologies to elucidate the primary amino acid sequence, post-translational modifications, and associated micro-heterogeneity and glycosylation of therapeutic products.

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P701: Biomarker Screening

Identification of Differentially Expressed Proteins From Two Groups of Samples

Price: 100

Turnaround Time: 5 to 10 business days

Service Description:

  • Identification of differentially expressed proteins from two groups of samples (e.g., healthy and diseased)
  • Workflow: Sample preparation, LC-MS/MS analysis, data analysis, and results report


  • Protein Biomarker Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • List of protein biomarker candidates that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures

Suitable Sample Type:

  • Frozen cell pellets, tissues, or serum/plasma samples

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Biomarker Discovery

Biomarker Discovery

Biomarkers, such as proteins, are naturally occurring biomolecules useful for measuring the prognosis and/or progress of diseases and therapies. They are normally present in small amounts in blood or tissue. When the amounts of these molecules change, they may indicate disease. Poochon developed a reliable platform, PROMICMAPPER, and a novel proteomic pathway analysis tool, PROMICPATH, for quantitative global protein profiling and proteomic pathway analysis, which is an ideal combination to differentiate diseased and normal samples for biomarker discovery.

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P801: Bioinformatic Analysis Of Proteomic Data

Bioinformatic Analysis of Large Proteomics Datasets and Identification of Differential Expression of Proteins and Involved Pathways

Price: $1800 per data set of a paired group

Turnaround Time: 10 to 15 business days

Service Description:

  • Bioinformatic analysis of large proteomics datasets and identification of differential expression of proteins and involved pathways
  • Workflow: Database search using Thermo Scientific Proteome Discoverer™ Software, data analysis, statistical analysis, and results report


  • Proteome Profiling Report
  • List of identified proteins with relative abundance
  • List of all identified proteins with matched peptides sequences
  • List of proteins that are differentially expressed among samples (e.g., > 2 folds)
  • Data normalization, statistical analysis, volcano plots, heat maps
  • Data figures

Suitable Sample Type:

  • MS raw files

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Biomarker Discovery

PROMICPATH for Proteomic Data Validation and Biological Pathway Analysis

Biological information flowing from the genome to proteome automatically regulates living cell status in response to internal or external signals. The genome encoding the proteome is relatively static, while the proteome is much more dynamic allowing the protein to orchestrate all biological processes precisely, ranging from central metabolism to cell structure, maintenance, and replication. It is speculated that all biological processes (on/off) are regulated and operated by the dynamics of proteins, such as modifications and changes in abundance. The regulation of different cellular functions has been categorized into a number of pathways, such as the Wnt signaling pathway and the TGF signaling pathway. In each pathway, the components are generally named according to their function, including ligands, receptors, activating regulators, inhibitory regulators, and effectors. To measure the activation strength of a pathway, the protein molecules that belong to ligands, receptors, activating regulators, or inhibitory regulators are grouped as the pathway protein ontology chain (POC), and their relative abundances (ppm) are summed. Based on the summed abundance of each POC, the activation strength or activation status of a pathway can be compared between two proteome profiles.

Poochon developed a novel pathway tool called PROMICPATH using algorithms for protein abundance variation and protein function grouping based pathway analysis. PROMICPATH allows for customized pathway analysis, as well as common pathway analysis, which analyzes 42 common pathways. To ensure data integrity and reliability, PROMICPATH uses 10 groups of 400 housekeeping proteins to evaluate the completeness and variability of a proteome profile.

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Price: $100 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Separation of protein mixture on 4-12% NuPAGE gel

Sample Type: Frozen liquid, in-SDS sample buffer, non-covalent on-matrix or lyophilized

Services Include: SDS-PAGE, SimplyBlue Stain, and Imaging

P1002: In-Gel Digestion

Price: $100 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Separation of protein mixture on 4-12% NuPAGE gel

Sample Type: Frozen liquid, in-SDS sample buffer, non-covalent on-matrix or lyophilized

Services Include: SDS-PAGE, SimplyBlue Stain, and Imaging

P1003: In-Solution Digestion

Price: $150 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Separation of protein mixture on 4-12% NuPAGE gel

Sample Type: Frozen liquid, in-SDS sample buffer, non-covalent on-matrix or lyophilized

Services Include: SDS-PAGE, SimplyBlue Stain, and Imaging

P1004: LC-MS/MS (60 Minute)

Price: $200 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Separation of protein mixture on 4-12% NuPAGE gel

Sample Type: Frozen liquid, in-SDS sample buffer, non-covalent on-matrix or lyophilized

Services Include: SDS-PAGE, SimplyBlue Stain, and Imaging

P1005: LC-MS/MS (110 Minute)

Price: $300 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Separation of protein mixture on 4-12% NuPAGE gel

Sample Type: Frozen liquid, in-SDS sample buffer, non-covalent on-matrix or lyophilized

Services Include: SDS-PAGE, SimplyBlue Stain, and Imaging

P1006: Protein Lysate (Cell)

Price: $30 per sample

Turnaround Time: 3 business days

Service Description: Preparation of protein lysate from cell pellet

Sample Type: Fresh frozen cell pellet (profiling > 1×106 cells/sample)

Services Include: Sample preparation, sonication, and Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay

P1007: Protein Lysate (Tissue)

Price: $50 per sample

Turnaround time: 3 business days

Service Description: Preparation of protein lysate from tissue sample

Sample Type: Fresh frozen tissue (> 10 mg/sample)

Services Include: Sample preparation, homogenization, sonication, and Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay

P1008: TMT Labeling

Price: 23

Turnaround Time: 7 business days

Service Description: TMT labeling up to 18 plex using Thermo Scientific TMTpro™ 18-Plex Label Reagent Set

Sample Type: Frozen lysate, frozen cell pellet, or frozen tissue

Services Include: Protein lysate preparation, Pierce™ BCA Protein Assay, enzymatic digestion, TMT labeling, and bRP-HPLC Fractionation

P1009: BRP-HPLC Fractionation

Price: $1000 per set

Turnaround Time: 7 business days

Service Description: Basic reversed-phase HPLC fractionation of peptides (TMT/iTRAQ/SILAC/label-free)

Sample Type: Digested peptides mixture, labeled with TMT/iTRAQ/SILAC, or label-free

Services Include: Fractionation by basic reversed-phase HPLC using a C18 column, 150 min LC run collecting elutes into 96 wells, and combination of elutes to 24 or 12 fractions

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Itemized Services

Itemized Services

Poochon conveniently offers a variety of basic services to help complete your project. Whether you only need analysis of a peptide mixture, or simply for us to make cell lysates and measure the concentration, our itemized services will save you time and money. If a full-service package is not right for you, our itemized service options may meet your needs.

Any biological sample can be analyzed. Typical sample types include, but are not limited to: primary cells, cultured cells, PBMCs, tissues, protein mixture samples (e.g. IP and pull-down), fraction of cellular organelles (e.g. exosomes and membrane), body fluids (e.g. plasma/serum, CSF, urine, sputum, saliva, etc.), and FFPE tissue blocks/sections.

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P901: Client Designed Project

Client Designs the Project Workflow and Specifies the Deliverables

Price: Contact us for a quote!

Turnaround Time: Varies

P902: Poochon Designed Project

Client Provides the Project Goals and Requirements; Poochon Designs the Workflow and Specifies the Deliverables

Since each of our clients’ projects are unique and require special attention, many of our projects are Poochon designed. We welcome our clients to contact us for a free consultation as we are dedicated to fully understanding project needs and provide expert input in order to deliver a comprehensive proposal!

Price: Contact us for a quote!

Turnaround Time: Varies

Sample Preparation Guidelines

Customized Project

Customized Project

Modern proteomics projects can be extremely diverse, creating a need that may not be satisfied under our primary service offerings. In response, Poochon created the customized project option to take advantage of our state-of-the-art instrumentation and expert analytics when a project falls outside our routine offerings.

Any biological sample can be analyzed. Typical sample types include, but are not limited to: primary cells, cultured cells, PBMCs, tissues, protein mixture samples (e.g. IP and pull-down), fraction of cellular organelles (e.g. exosomes and membrane), body fluids (e.g. plasma/serum, CSF, urine, sputum, saliva, etc.), and FFPE tissue blocks/sections.

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